4 Simple & Effective Ways to Maximize Your Massage

Stress generally intensifies menopause symptoms. Massage therapy can help.

2 Min Read

Getting regular massages during the menopause transition can be both calming and beneficial. Simply receiving a positive touch at a time when your body is going through a huge phase of change can feel encouraging and nurturing.

Massage activates the relaxation response, for less frequent hot flashes

Swedish Massage

Swedish massage can help relieve aches and pains, stretch muscles, and help a woman deal with the negative side effects of menopause. It is also an excellent complement to their self-care regimen.


Aromatherapy oils like cedarwood, chamomile, jasmine, lavender, lemon, and neroli can be used during sessions. Finding the proper blend for you can take some trial and error, but once we locate “your blend,” we will use it to relax you to the best of our abilities.

It is too easy to sacrifice self-care in the face of hectic day-to-day life.


Acupressure can stimulate the adrenal, thyroid, parathyroid, and pituitary glands, allowing them to better regulate hormone production and so reduce hot flashes. Acupressure can also help to transport energy (chi) to the neurological system, which can help with focus and memory. Acupressure can also help to balance the reproductive organs.

Regular Visits

Massage can help women accept the changes that come with menopause. Menopause symptoms could probably be helped by a variety of self-care techniques, such as yoga, exercise, aromatherapy, and others.

Hopefully, receiving regular massages, you can find the ideal therapy combination that works for you.

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